Dr. 马修·拉梅奇

职务名称: 教授

部门: 神学

电话: 913.360.7565

博士联系. 马修·拉梅奇

Dr. 马修·拉梅奇 is 教授 of 神学 at 本笃会的大学 w在这里 he is co-director of its Center for 整体生态. His research and 写作 concentrates especially on the theology of Joseph 拉辛格/Pope Benedict XVI, the wedding of ancient and modern methods of biblical interpretation, the dialogue between faith and science, 以及对创造物的管理. In addition to his other scholarly and outreach endeavors, Dr. Ramage is author, co-author, or translator of over fifteen books, including 圣经中黑暗的章节 (中国农业大学出版社,2013), 耶稣,解释 (中国农业大学出版社,2017), 信仰的实验 (CUA出版社,2020) Christ’s Church and 世界宗教 (索菲亚研究所出版社,2020). 他的新书, From the Dust of the Earth: Benedict XVI, the Bible, and the Theory of Evolution, was published by CUA Press in 2022. When he is not teaching or 写作, Dr. Ramage enjoys exploring the great outdoors with his wife and seven children, 照料他的果园, leading educational trips abroad, and aspiring to be a barbeque pitmaster.  更多关于博士的信息. Ramage’s work, visit his website www.matthewramage.com.

Dr. Ramage的完整简历可用 在这里.

Ph.D., Systematic 神学 (minor: Biblical Studies)


M.A., 神学 and Christian Ministry

Franciscan University of Steubenville

B.A., Religious Studies (minor in 菲尔。osophy)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign




Joseph 拉辛格 / Pope Benedict XVI

Bible (Gospels, Pentateuch, Wisdom Literature, Theodicy)

信仰 & 科学

创造神学 & 整体生态



St. 托马斯·阿奎那


  • 整体生态
  • Honors Capstone: Biblical Protology
  • Senior Seminar: 创造神学
  • Senior Seminar: Reading Genesis 1-11 with 信仰 and Reason
  • Senior Seminar: Genesis 1-11 through the Ages
  • 高级研讨会:爱茉莉 & 天主教传统
  • Senior Seminar: Apologetics of Benedict XVI
  • Senior Seminar: 神学 of Scripture
  • 信仰与科学
  • 创造与进化——荣誉
  • 环境神学
  • 末世论-Honors
  • 历史上的耶稣 and Christian Origins
  • 基督教 & 世界宗教
  • Old Testament II: Wisdom Literature
  • New Testament I: Synoptic Gospels
  • 旧约第一章:摩西五经
  • 圣经希伯来语II
  • 圣经希伯来语I
  • 基督徒的道德生活
  • 神学导论
  • 历史上的耶稣
  • 犹太教研究
  • 精神上的神学
  • 马太福音
  • 中间拉丁
  • 基本的拉丁
  • 神圣的教育学
  • 教皇 & 新福音派
  • 名著:东方世界
  • 新生研讨课


From the Dust of the Earth: Benedict XVI, the Bible, and the 科学 of Human Origins. 华盛顿特区C: Catholic University of America Press, 2022.

信仰的实验: Pope Benedict XVI on Living the 神学美德 in a Secular Age. 华盛顿特区C: Catholic University of America Press, 2020.

Christ’s Church, and 世界宗教.  课程E 真理的精神 高中教材系列.  Manchester, NH: Sophia Institute Press, 2020. 

耶稣,解释: Benedict XVI, Bart Ehrman, and the Historical Truth of the Gospels华盛顿特区C: Catholic University of America Press, 2017.

圣经中黑暗的章节: Engaging Scripture with Benedict XVI and 托马斯·阿奎那. 华盛顿特区.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2013.

Towards a 神学 of Scripture: Joseph 拉辛格’s “Method C” Hermeneutic and 骶骨Doctrina on the Afterlife in the Old Testament (Ph.D. 迪斯.). 密歇根州安娜堡:UMI, 2009.


A Larger Idea of Divine Skill: Newman and 拉辛格 on the Fittingness and Epistemic Status of Evolutionary Creation.” Forthcoming in a volume from Catholic University of America Press on the thought of St. John Henry Newman and Joseph 拉辛格.

Cambridge Companion to Joseph 拉辛格. Forthcoming from Cambridge University Press.

章:“Scripture and Tradition.”

约瑟夫·拉辛格词典. Forthcoming international collaboration from Ignatius Press.

Entry: “The Gospels in the Works of Joseph 拉辛格”  

Hope and Death: Christian Responses. Forthcoming from Emmaus Academic, 2022.

章:“Evolution and 末世论: Jesus Christ, the Alpha and Omega of All Creation in the Thought of Joseph 拉辛格.”

The New Apologetics: Defending the 信仰 in a Post-Christian Era. Word on Fire研究所,2022年.


托马斯·阿奎那 and the Crisis of Christology.  即将由Sapientia出版社出版.

章:“Putting the Last Adam First: Aquinas, 拉辛格, and Human Origins in Light of Kenotic Christology”

托马斯·阿奎那 the Biblical Theologian.  Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Academic (forthcoming).

第一章:除非你相信, You Will Not Understand: Biblical 信仰 according to 托马斯·阿奎那 and Benedict XVI”

 Ressourcement after Vatican II: Essays in Honor of Joseph Fessio, S.J. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2019.

章:“The Theological Mind and Method of Pope Benedict XVI as Revealed in His Catechetical Instructions”

接见梵二. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.

章:“Reception of the Second Vatican Council’s Decree on Ecumenism”

Wisdom and the Renewal of Catholic 神学: Essays in Honor of Matthew L. 羊肉.  尤金, OR: 匹克威克出版社,2016.

章:“Biblical Inspiration in the 神学 of Saint 托马斯·阿奎那 and Father Matthew 羊肉.”

Reading Sacred Scripture with 托马斯·阿奎那: Hermeneutical Tools and New Perspectives. 文本et Études du Moyen Âge 系列. 投票率,比利时:布雷波尔斯,2015.

章:“In the Beginning: Aquinas, Benedict XVI, and the Book of Genesis.” 


Collected essays of Jean-Pierre Torrell, O.P.  Forthcoming from an academic publisher.

基督与圣. 托马斯·阿奎那, 华盛顿特区.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2011.

圣餐计划.  An international team project aimed at making available all the eucharistic passages found in the Church Fathers.   

Other Teaching, Writing, Speaking, and 媒体 Appearances

博士的完整摘要. 鲸的教学, 写作, speaking along with multimedia links can be found on his personal website www.matthewramage.com.