MBA – Program and 课程


  1. 策略: 学生毕业时将具备良好的道德基础,为21世纪的企业做出贡献和领导.
  2. 创业: Students will graduate with a spirit of, 眼睛的, and 理解ing of 的 benefits of innovation and creativity and how to contribute, organize and help sustain business excellence into 的 future.
  3. 全球: 学生毕业时将具备对全球市场的欣赏和工作知识,以及如何在当今的全球市场中进一步扩大企业的范围.
  4. 管理: 学生毕业后将有能力立即进入一般管理经理的职位,具备领导他人的必要能力, 管理操作, 分析 financial statements, 准备预算, 遵守法律, and properly advise executives on courses of action that will improve enterprise results.

Student Learning Goals

  1. 学生将能够辨别领导者的行动和决策对企业的积极和消极影响, 它的人民, its multiple stakeholders, and 的 community at-large.
  2. 学生将练习在考虑商业决策反对天主教信仰的过滤器, 的 St法则. 本尼迪克特, and a variety of o的r personal moral and ethical filters.
  3. Students will be able to think through and anticipate 的 interdependent financial, 经济, 市场, 文化, 消费者, 和竞争变量的一个复杂的业务/市场战略和实现预期的结果.
  4. Students will be able to engage o的r professionals in a trusting, productively conflicting, 负责任的环境,包容个体差异,优化结果.
  5. 学生将能够识别一个未被满足的需求,并阐明一个计划,以满足和利用在竞争环境中满足需求.
  6. 学生将能够在一个创新和创造力蓬勃发展的环境中创造和领导.
  7. 学生将能够分析和识别全球社区中未满足的需求,他们的企业可以利用这些需求进行未来扩张.
  8. Students will be able to identify and 分析 key financial, 文化, and resource variables that can affect 的 success of a global venture.
  9. Students will be able to map and 理解 的 complex competitive global 市场place, 预测未来三到五年将影响企业战略的外部因素.
  10. 学生在陌生的文化和全球商业环境中会更适应, ready to listen and learn from o的rs before finalizing 的ir business strategy.
  11. Students will be able to observe, 分析, 理解, and make recommendations for specific and enterprise-wide process improvement.
  12. Students will be able to 分析 actual expense and budget data to improve operations.
  13. 学生将能够做出雇佣决定,包括招聘和绩效管理, to improve firm performance.
  14. 学生将能够说服高管的战略课程的变化和预期的结果.

课程 for 的 Traditional MBA


ACCT-5510 Accounting Information for Management

本课程提供对会计信息和公司内部控制功能的分析. This course focuses on 的 role of 的 corporate controller of 的 firm. 具体地说, 审查和制定涉及确定和控制相关成本的管理职能的决策. 本课程介绍预算和成本分析在有效运营管理和产品定价中的作用. 本课程探讨规划和控制功能的发展和管理方法, methods and systems for 的 firm. 前提条件:完成本科财务会计课程或行政工商管理太阳城官网.

FINC-6590 Financial Management (Must complete ACCT-5510 before enrolling in FINC-6590)

与资本支出资金的来源和使用有关的战略决策的性质是本课程的核心. Examination and analysis of risk in financial decision making, and 的 financial instruments that have evolved to manage capital will be studied. 关注资本预算和资本使用控制的过程和作用.

BUSI-6580 Marketing Strategy

This course takes an analytical approach to 的 study of 市场ing, focusing on 的 total environment in which 市场ing decisions are made. Emphasis is on managerial decisions, as well as 的 planning research and organization aspects of 市场ing activities. Students examine 消费者 and industrial products and services; profit, 非营利性的, public and private organizations; and 的 social and legal implications of 市场ing policies.

BUSI-5571 Business Law & Ethical Decision Making

The legal environment in which American business organizations operate is studied. Topics include rights and shareholders; director’s and officer’s liability; mergers, 收购, take over and securities regulation. Particular emphasis is given to legal issues on employment, including issues related to hiring, 终止妊娠, 和纪律. Both federal and state laws will be considered. Personal ethics and issues surrounding ethical/legal dilemmas in business are explored.

BUSI-5520 Managerial Economics

本课程探讨了决定利润最大化生产和定价的决策的性质和作用(包括市场力量). The course investigates pragmatic micro经济 and macro经济 applications, including relevant costs, and 的 determinates of supply and demand and 的ir role in decision-making. Prerequisite: Completion of undergraduate 经济学 course.

BUSI-5551 Human Resource Management

This course deals with 的 study of 的 procedures required in hiring, 就业测试, interview and selection process, 工作设计, 评价技术, management-labor relations, wage and salary administration, and current employment regulations. Use of case analysis and class lectures will be emphasized.


本课程强调领导在企业成功执行中的作用和实践. Both poor and excellent examples of leadership will be studied. 优先考虑的是每个学生发展他或她自己的领导模式,这与他或她的价值观和信仰完全一致,因为诚信对领导的作用至关重要. Specific behavioral dynamics, 问责制, 信任的建立, 承诺将作为需要领导层的影响和干预以优化合作和结果的要素加以审查.

BUSI-5555 Business Practice & Corporate Social Responsibility

本课程探讨领导力在现代组织中的运用,重点关注企业领导者在瞬息万变的商业环境中面临的道德挑战. 重点是理解公司对各种公众(利益相关者)的责任,以及本笃会遗产对商业实践的影响.


一个新企业要想成功,必须能够向市场讲述一个独特的故事,同时必须在经济上盈利,并及时实现可持续发展. The course approaches 的 difficult task of generating a new business, studying and applying 的 business model canvas methodology. During 的 course 的 methodology will be applied also to 的 creation of new products, with emphasis on customer’s value creation. Telling a unique story involves also alignment with personal stories; 的 course will extend 的 methodology attempting a coherent alignment between business, product and individual’s career.

BUSI-6559 Global Strategy/International Ventures (Capstone Course, must be taken in your last or second to last semester)

This course addresses business problems, 机会, and processes relevant to a global 市场 economy. 国际商务实践和沟通技巧融入到课程的各个方面. Emphases include: current issues in management, 经济学, 金融, 市场ing or production, 以及这些在思维过程和文化大相径庭的不同国家是如何运作的.

BUSI-6900 Strategic Management (Capstone Course, must be taken in your last or second to last semester)

This course seeks to develop a management viewpoint that integrates creative thinking, strategic perspectives and administrative ability in a global context. 本课程帮助学生发展必要的技能和观点,以理解和应对复杂的问题, whole system phenomena. 最后,本课程介绍和发展战略和战略分析的思想和工具. Integrative cases in modern business problems are explored, 评估备选行动方案,发展战略决策能力.